Post Attendance

Posting attendance through Grade Book must be done during the same day unless your district has set a Grade Book backdating window.

Attendance will be posted by period. This feature allows teachers with multiple courses scheduled at the same time to post once for all classes during that period.

WebSmart has made changes in attendance tracking due to COVID-19, and your campus may have been set up to handle remote synchronous attendance, remote asynchronous attendance, or a hybrid model. Click here for more information.

Posting attendance

About corrections

Correction window: If the district has allowed a window of time to make corrections, you'll have the ability to unpost attendance. The ability to unpost is designated by the icon beside the .

The system will track the user ID and timestamp associated with this Recorded date/timestampstep for audit purposes.

Once this corrections window expires no recorded attendance can be changed by the teacher. You must then notify the office to make any necessary corrections.  

No correction window: The office must handle corrections — either for the current day or a past day.

Post attendance — on-campus attendance model

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Grade Book from the Grades menu, and it opens to the Attendance tab. Note: The Scheduled column displays the attendance model designated in the Grading Calendar. If a student has a different Attendance Type set in Student Manager > Enrollment > ADA Enrollment, that type will be displayed here.

  3. Change the Attendance date if you want to enter attendance for a date previous to today’s date. Note: You can only change the attendance date if an administrator has designated the Grade Book backdating window as greater than zero.

  4. If needed, select the period from the Attendance For pull-down list.

  5. If needed, select Absent or Present but Tardy from the Attendance Coding pull-down lists.

  6. Click Submit Attendance when finished, and the attendance is finalized. Example


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