This topic describes the information in, and function of, the tabs in the Payroll Batch window.
This tab displays information specific to the selected payroll batch. For a standard batch, the fields default based on the payroll period and other configuration settings, and most can't be edited in this window.
Sample batch details tab — standard batch Sample batch details tab — supplemental batch
Instructional Period: The school year in which the pay period falls. Used to determine which employee contracts are in effect.
Load Options: Supplemental batch only. This field determines if benefit programs only, additional allowances only, all salary, benefit, payment & additional allowance elections, or none of these are added into the batch.
OT1/OT2 Rates: Overtime rates to be used when applicable. Configured in Admin > District > Districts > Districts > Payroll Information.
General Ledger: Determines the ledger in which the journal entries will be created.
WC Policy: The workman's compensation policy is configured in Payroll > Workman's Comp > Policies.
Payroll Period: For a standard batch, this field displays the payroll period you selected when you created the batch. Payroll periods were defined in Payroll > Pay Schedules > Calendars. For a supplemental batch, it displays the begin & end dates entered when the batch was created.
Tax Proration & Calendar Type: These two fields are determined by the Payroll Calendar. Since the tax table and W-4 are annual, the tax proration is used to determine what portion of the annual taxes will be paid in each payroll period. Tax proration fixed on a standard batch, but you may need to adjust it for a supplemental batch. Since the tax proration for a supplemental batch is based on the number of work days in the designated period, the calculation may have resulted in a fraction, and you'll need to edit it to achieve a whole number.
Pay date: Defaults from the payroll calendar. The pay date is used to determine which benefit, withholding, payment, leave policy, and additional elections are in effect, as well as the workman's comp policy.
Post date: Defaults from the payroll calendar. The post date drives the ledger into which transactions are posted and the effective date of any bills driven by payroll and actual expenses associated with payroll.
Adj Fed Food Svc Base: This field is used to adjust federally-funded gross and state-benefit-qualified gross for food service workers based on the ratio of food service-funded wages paid relative to the Allowable Federal Fund Base derived from the Child Nutrition Calculation Worksheet. Once the batch is run, if there are errors on food service employees, this number will need to be recalculated.
Comments: For a standard batch, this field defaults to the payroll calendar and payroll period dates. For a supplemental batch, it's important to enter a description of the batch so you'll be able to select it from the list of payroll batches.
This tab lists all employees included for payment in the batch.
System ID: Displays the audit ID for the payment. If something is materially changed about the payment, the audit ID will be updated, but just recalculating the payment doesn't change the audit ID unless something about payment record changes materially.
Flags column
1st column: The
icon indicates there's an error message
on the payment record.
2nd column. The
icon means the employee is set up for direct
deposit. Click on the
icon to force a manual check. Click again to set the payment back
to direct deposit. The
icon shows the employee is scheduled to receive a live check.
3rd column: If this
column displays the
icon, the employee has leave. If the icon has a red background,
leave will create dock.
Actions column
: Click this icon to print the Payroll Journal -
Employee Detail report for this employee.
: Click this icon to review or edit the payment detail.
: Click this icon to submit the record for recalculation.
: Click this icon to delete the record. If you delete
the record and find you need to restore it to the batch, click
Add Staff,
and that employee will be in the list.
Red highlight: Employees highlighted in red are terminated in WebSmart.
This tab lists errors in the batch, if any, and includes the control used to submit the batch.
Click here for information on handling errors.
Active: When a batch is in the Active status, nothing has been recorded in the database. There are no journal entries, and bills don't show on any reports except reports printed within the active batch. When there are errors in the batch, it can't be posted, and the Status pull-down includes only the Active status.
Posted: When the batch is posted, a journal entry is recorded for the payroll; bills are created for deductions and contributions; and the transactions will be included on reports. The batch can be unposted as long as none of the bills or the payroll have been paid. This option is useful since users may post a batch, review journals, and realize they forgot something. They can then unpost the batch without having to void any checks, and the bills for the batch will be deleted.
Paid/Locked: This status indicates that one or more bills or the payroll itself has been paid, and the batch can no longer be unposted.
Use this tab to export employees from WebSmart, then enter hours in the spreadsheet, and import the hours. Click here for more information.
Use this tab to import bulk data such as supplements/additional pay and leave.
Click here for more information.
Documents stored in JDox linked to this document using the Batch Number metadata field. In order to link documents to this payroll batch in JDox directly, update the Batch Number field in JDox with the system ID number of this batch. The document will be automatically linked.
The reports available here are specific to the batch:
Benefit Program Participation
Direct Deposit Setup
Employee Leave
Leave Forms
Payroll Batch Payable Coding Problems
Payroll Distribution - By Batch
Payroll Journal - by Date Range
Payroll Journal - Consolidated
Payroll Journal - Contributions and Deductions
Payroll Journal - Employee Detail
Payroll Journal - Ledger Impact
W4 Withholding Worksheet
Return to Create a Standard Payroll Batch
Return to Create a Supplemental Payroll Batch
Return to Payroll Overview