Unlock a Ledger

Only active ledgers can be unlocked.

Unlocking a previously closed ledger deletes the closing entry while leaving the opening balance in the next ledger.

You would need to unlock the ledger if you’ve found that you need to create a payable in the current year against a PO that you’ve already promoted. If so, you must first re-activate the ledger as described above, then follow the steps below to unlock the ledger. You’d then find the PO, recalculate encumbrances, receive the PO, and create the payable.

Unlock the ledger

  1. Select Finance from the Module pull-down list on the top of the screen.

  2. Select Ledger Manager from the General Ledger menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click the  icon for the ledger you want to re-activate, and the ledger opens to the General Information tab.

  4. Click  Change Ledger Status, and this window opens.

  5. Click  Reset Promotion Flags, and you’re asked to confirm the action.

  6. Click OK. You’ll be kept notified of progress, and when the process is complete, you’ll be returned to the General Information tab.

  7. Click  Change Ledger Status, and this window opens.

  8. Click  Reset Promotion Flags, and you’re asked to confirm the action.

  9. Click OK. You’ll be kept notified of progress, and when the process is complete, you’ll be returned to the General Information tab.

  10. Click  Edit Identifier, and this window opens.

  11. Set the Lock Date to None, and click  Save. You’re returned to the General Information tab, and the status has been changed from Locked to Active. Example


Return to Reactivate a Ledger

Return to Ledger Manager Overview