Create & Configure a Summer School Schedule

  1. Select Students, then Scheduling, then Schedule Manager.

  2. Click  Create Schedule, and the New Schedule window opens.

  3. Complete the fields as described and illustrated below.

  4. Click  Create.

Add schedule days

  1. Click on the Periods tab, then click  Schedule Days.

  2. Click  Add Schedule Day.

  3. Enter a Name, such as Summer School, and check the boxes for the days of the week — typically Monday through Friday.

  4. Click  Save.

  5. Click  Return to Scheduling Information Menu.

Add periods

  1. Click  Periods, then click  Add Period.

  2. Enter the Code and a Description such as Summer.

  3. Select Scheduled in the bottom section, and enter the Start Time and End Time.

  4. Click  Save.

  5. Click  Return to Scheduling Information Menu.

Return to the top

Add a schedule track

  1.  Click  Schedule Tracks, then click  Add Schedule Track.

  2. Enter a Name such as Summer School.

  3. Check the box to include the Period in the schedule track. Then click the radio button for the period in which attendance will be taken.

  4. Click  Save.

  5. Click  Return to Scheduling Information Menu.

Edit the calendar dates

  1. Click on the Calendar tab.

  2. Click  Edit Grading Cycles, and change the dates to match the summer term.

  3. Click  Save.

Add offerings for summer school

  1. Click on the Offering tab, then click  Add Offering.

  2. Select the Course, and check the Terms Offered box.

  3. Click  Save. The record is saved.

  4. Click  Add Section(s).

  5. Enter the Section Number, and check the Periods box.

  6. If teachers will be using the Grade Book, select the Teacher of Record.

  7. Click  Save.

Continue with Step 4: Enroll students

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Return to Link a Summer School Attendance Track to a Campus

Return to Summer School Attendance