Lock Grading Cycles

Once all teachers have completed their grades, it is time to lock the cycle(s) to prevent any grade alterations and to unlock the Course Completion feature. All cycles in the term must be locked before Course Completion can be run. Cycles should be locked before Report Cards are run at the end of each cycle.

Lock grading cycles

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Schedule Manager from the Scheduling menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click the icon for the schedule you want to edit, and the Schedule Editor opens.

  4. Click on the Calendar tab, and the Grading Calendar Editor opens.

  5. Click the icon for the cycle you want to close. You're asked to confirm the action.

  6. Click OK. This process rolls up all pending grades, submits, and locks all Grade Books. Once the process is complete, you will see this , and the cycle will be labeled CLOSED.

  7. Repeat steps 5-6 until you've finished locking all cycles in the term. Once all cycles in the term are locked, the course completion function becomes available, and you'll see the icon.

Continue with Run Course Completion

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