Build Student Schedules

Use this utility to build student schedules for students linked to this schedule.

You may limit the task by student, term, and/or schedule track.

About single-term scheduling

If you choose to schedule only the first term, the utility will only consider single sequence first term sections. So if you have linked sections — for example English 1, part 1 & English 1, part 2 — that section pair won't be considered for scheduling. As a result, you'll need to create unlinked sections if you're going to do scheduling for each term separately.

Build student schedules

If you're already in the Schedule Editor, skip to step 4.

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Schedule Manager from the Scheduling menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click the icon for the schedule you want to edit, and the Schedule Editor opens.

  4. Click on the Bulk Tasks tab.

  5. Click Build Student Schedules, and that window opens.

  6. Complete the fields as described.

  7. Click Next, and the following Warning window opens.
    Warning: You are about to run a utility that will mechanically build course enrollments. In order to do this, it will be necessary to purge any existing enrollments or reservations. Doing so will necessarily DELETE any grades or attendance that have been taken in the aforementioned sections.

  8. If you're sure you want to continue, you must check both boxes acknowledging that you'll be purging any existing grades and attendance.

  9. After checking the boxes, Click Save.


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