Online requisitions, created to request items be purchased, are submitted to an online approval process set up by administrators.
Select Requisitions under Purchasing from the Purchasing & AP menu, and the Requisitions list window opens. Note: Click here for a description of the filters in this window.
Create Requisition,
and the New Requisition
window opens.
Complete the header fields as described.
Title: Enter a description that will allow the approver and creator to identify the purpose of the req.
Date: Optional. Enter the date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or
click the icon and select
the date. If left blank, the field will default to the current
Transaction Date: Defaults to the current date.
Tracking Number: Optional. If used, this number will print on the purchase order.
Quote Number: Optional. If used, this number will print on the purchase order.
Bid Number: Optional. If used, this number will print on the purchase order.
AP Group: Select from the pull-down list, if applicable. If selected, the A/P group will restrict access to this requisition based on membership in the group. They are created in Purchasing & AP > Payables > A/P Groups.
Status: Select from —
Submit for review: This option automatically submits the requisition to administration for the review and approval process.
Unsubmitted: This option saves the requisition, but doesn't submit it to the approval process.
Vendor: Begin typing the vendor name to populate the list, then select the vendor you want.
Purchasing Comments: Optional. These comments print on the PO and are used to communicate information directly to the vendor.
Requestor: Begin typing the requestor name to populate the list, then select the requestor you want.
Ship To: Begin typing the facility name to populate the list, then select the facility you want.
Bill To: Begin typing the facility name to populate the list, then select the facility you want.
add items to the requisition, select the number of items you want
to add from the Add Item(s) field in the upper right corner of the Items section. The Items
section then displays item fields for as many items as you've selected.
Complete the fields in the Items section as described.
Item No.: Optional. Enter the catalog number if you have it.
Description: Enter text to describe the item.
Qty: Enter the quantity desired.
Price: Enter the unit price.
Ext. Price: Read only; calculated by the system based on quantity and unit price.
Account Code: Begin typing the account code to populate the list, then select the code you want.
For the first item, the amount defaults to the requisition total.
If you need to allocate the item between multiple account codes,
change the amount for this account code, and click Add Coding.
Then enter the second account code and amount. Example
If you don't need to add more account codes, skip to step 6.
Repeat step 5 for all items on the requisition. Example
Click Create. Once the requisition is saved, additional tabs are visible. Example
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