Once you've entered all data for the batch and cleared all errors, you're ready to submit the payroll.
This action will create all the bills and the journal entry associated with the batch.
Once a payroll check or bill has been paid, the batch will become locked, and you'll no longer be able to edit or delete records in the batch.
If while reviewing the bills, you find a mistake, you can return to the payroll batch and switch the status back to Active. This action will delete all the bills and the journal entry.
While in the payroll batch, click on the Messages & Status tab. You'll see Submitted in the Status pull-down, confirming that the batch has no errors. If Submitted isn't an option, there are still errors that must be fixed.
Select Submitted from the Status list, and you'll see a confirmation message, "Are you sure you want to change the status of this payroll batch?"
Click OK. You'll see a progress bar, and you're returned to the Batch Details tab when the process is complete. If you click on the Messages & Status tab, you'll see that the batch now has the Submitted status.
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