Employee: Clicking the by the employee name opens the employee record in Staff
Manager, allowing you to review, make changes if needed, and return to
the payroll batch.
Default Blended Rate: The calculated hourly rate based on the default TRS calendar configured for the combination of contract type and position type. It is possible to override the default calendar and set up a custom calendar that will calculate a more accurate daily rate, but the default calendar provides a daily rate that is within pennies if it's not exact.
Dock rate: The calculated daily rate.
Positions/Supplements: This section displays the scheduled positions to be paid in this batch, along with the direct deposit/manual check setting. It's also where you'll add supplements, enter days worked for non-salary schedule positions and overtime hours where applicable.
Leave: Displays leave taken in this period. Use this section to enter or edit leave taken that affects the employee's leave bank.
Sample State Eligibility Calculations section
This section displays the numbers used for calculated items.
Ctrct #, Cd, Step, Mths, Pmts: Contract number, position code, step on salary schedule, contract months, number of payments.
Base: This number divided by Pmts determines Eligible. In the illustration, 50,710.00 / 12 = 4,225.83.
Eligible: The non-OASDI number, gross earnings.
Excess: Eligible minus Statutory Minimum = Excess. In the illustration 5,377.08 minus 4,225.83 = 1,151.25.
Sample Statutory & Non-Statutory Adjustments section
Statutory Adjustments
Taxable Gross = Eligible Gross
Federal Withholding: This number can be reviewed by running the W4 Withholding Worksheet from the Reports tab.
Non-Statutory Adjustments
This section displays the employee's benefit elections with the amounts of contributions and deductions. It can be used to correct a benefit amount by adding a contribution or deduction with the correct amount and then deleting the benefit with the incorrect amount. The benefit will be correctly reported to TRS, but designated as manually added on the pay stub.
This section displays the proposed journal entry. It doesn't exist in the journal yet, but it can be reviewed here before it's posted.
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