Designate Purchasing Encumbrance Options

These options govern the lead up to the fiscal year transition and the transition itself.

You must set them before promoting encumbrances.

Designate purchasing encumbrance options

  1. Select Finance from the Module pull-down list on the top of the screen.

  2. Select Ledger Manager from the General Ledger menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click the  icon for the ledger you’ll be closing, and the ledger opens to the General Information tab.

  4. Click on the Encumbrance tab.
    Note: Currently the only configuration value for payroll encumbrances is whether or not they’re enabled. Additional options will be created in the future.

  5. Click  Purchasing Encumbrance, and this window opens.

  6. Click  Edit Encumbrance Configuration, and set the values as described here.

  7. Click  Save.

Continue with Promote Encumbrances

Return- Closing a Ledger
