Use the Create 1099 feature to create a 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC. You'll need to use this feature for vendors who need both 1099-MISC & 1099-NEC.
You can also use it when the wrong type of form was created for a vendor, but in that case, you can also correct the 1099 income type in the vendor record and compile a new 1099 in the IRS 1099 Entries window.
Select Compliance from the Module pull-down list on the top of the screen.
Select IRS 1099 from the Federal menu, and the IRS 1099 Entries window opens.
1099, and the New 1099 Entry window opens with the 1099-NEC
as the default form.
If needed, select 1099-MISC from the Form list.
Complete the fields for either the 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC.
Click Create, and
the form is saved.
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