Add a Student

Enter all data for new students from their enrollment forms and back-up documentation — for example, birth certificate or other legal documentation.

IMPORTANT: If the student has been entered into the state databases — PID, PET, etc. — you want to make sure you have the accurate information to match the information in those systems.

Add a student

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Student Manager from the Students menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click Add/Find Student, and the Find Student window opens.

  4. Enter either a name, SSN/state ID, local ID, unique ID, or birthdate, and click Search. If the student is not in the database, the Search Results display the message, "No Students Match This Criteria."

  5. Click Create New Student, and the New Student window opens.

  6. Complete the Demographics fields as described below. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  7. Complete the Pre-Enrollment Information as below. All fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  8. Family Unit: The only option is "I will join a family unit later." Family unit will be designated when entering the student's contacts.

  9. When finished entering the information, click Create. The record is created, and the Demographics tab is displayed.

  10. Click Edit Demographics, and the fields become editable.

  11. Enter the student's State UID.

  12. Edit the demographic release fields, Demo. Release and following, as needed. These fields are used on the Authorize Demographic Release report — military, higher ed, student info, student photo, internal media, and external media demographic release fields.

  13. Click Save.

Continue with Add Student Contact Information


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