Edit a Student Course Schedule

Course enrollment allows users to schedule the student in courses made available by different schedules and scheduling tracks.

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Student Manager from the Students menu, and that window opens.

  3. Locate the student you want to edit, and click the icon.

  4. Click on the Enrollment tab, and that window opens.

  5. Change the default School Year, if needed.

  6. Click Course Schedule, and the Student Schedules window opens.

  7. Click Change Track / Homeroom, and the Student Schedules Editor opens.

  8. If needed, select the new Academic Plan from the pull-down list. Note: The academic plans for this campus are created by a user with admin permissions in Admin > District > Campuses > SIS Information.

  9. If needed, select the new schedule Track from the pull-down list. Note: Schedule tracks are created in Students > Scheduling > Schedule Manager > Periods > Schedule Tracks.

  10. Enter the Effective Date for the change.

  11. Click Save. You're returned to the Student Schedules window with the new information displayed.

  12. Click Return to Enrollment Information Menu to edit other enrollment information.

Return to Enrollment Overview