Special Education Services Codes

Special Ed Service Codes are used to detail special education services provided in addition to speech therapy, deaf program, and interpreting service.

These codes are used in Student Manager > Special Ed > Instructional Setting Enrollment > Special Education Program Enrollment > Services.

This topic describes how to add and edit special education services codes, if needed.

Add a special education services code

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Special Ed., then Spec. Ed. Services from the Students menu, and the Special Education Services window opens.

  3. Click Create Service, and the New Special Education Service window opens. Need new screenshot, says New Immunization.

  4. Enter a two-character Code and Description.

  5. Click Create. The code is saved.

Edit a special education services code

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Special Ed., then Spec. Ed. Services from the Students menu, and the Special Education Services window opens.

  3. Click the icon for the special education service you want to edit, and the Edit window opens.

  4. Click Edit Identifier, and the Identifier window opens with the fields editable.

  5. Edit the fields as needed, and click Save.

Return to Special Ed Codes Overview