Disciplinary Length Difference Reason Codes

Length Difference codes are determined by TSDS in the C166 Disciplinary Length Difference Reason Code table and maintained by WebSmart staff.

These codes are:

This topic describes how to add and edit length difference codes, if needed.

Add an length difference code

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Discipline, then Length Difference from the Students menu, and the Disciplinary Length Differences window opens.

  3. Click Add New code, and the New Length Difference window opens.

  4. Enter the two-digit Code and Description required by TSDS.

  5. Click Create. The code is saved, and the Edit window opens.

  6. Click Edit Identifier, and the Identifier window opens.

  7. Select the State Equivalent from the pull-down list.

  8. Enter the List Description — a short description to be used in drop-down menus, for example in Student Manager > Discipline.

  9. Edit the Effective Date and Expiration Date, if needed.

  10. Click Save.

Edit an length difference code

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Discipline, then Length Difference from the Students menu, and the Disciplinary Length Differences window opens.

  3. Click the icon for the length difference code you want to edit, and the Edit window opens.

  4. Click Edit Identifier, and the Identifier window opens with the fields editable.

  5. Edit the fields as needed, and click Save.

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