Unlock Cycle / Unsubmit Grades

Use the Unlock Cycle / Unsubmit Grades command if you find you've submitted & locked grades by mistake, or to unlock grades marked with a modifier.

Unlock the cycle & unsubmit grades when you submitted grades by mistake

Use this option when the section has been locked by mistake. This action releases the locks assigned to all student grades that are not set with a modifier.

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Grade Book from the Grades menu, then click on the Grades tab.

  3. Select the course/section from the Grades for pull-down list, and select the Cycle, if needed.

  4. Click Unlock Cycle / Unsubmit Grades. You're asked to confirm the action.

  5. Click OK, and you're asked what kind of un-submission you prefer.

  6. Click Cancel. The cycle is unlocked; the grades are unsubmitted; and the icon is no longer displayed in the Icon field.

Unlock the cycle & unsubmit grades to edit grades set with a modifier

Use this option to edit only grades marked with a modifier, such as I - Incomplete. For example, a student has turned in all the assignments and should now receive a letter grade instead of an incomplete.

This action will unlock only the students’ grades with a modifier set for the cycle and/or term grade. After unlocking these grades, you can change the Grade setting from Modifier to Automated Calculation. This process is primarily used to reverse an Incomplete.

  1. Select Students from the Jump to Module pull-down list in the upper right corner.

  2. Select Grade Book from the Grades menu, then click on the Grades tab.

  3. Select the course/section from the Grades for pull-down list, and select the Cycle, if needed.

  4. Click Unlock Cycle / Unsubmit Grades. You're asked to confirm the action.

  5. Click OK, and you're asked what kind of un-submission you prefer.

  6. Click OK. The cycle is unlocked, and modified grades are unsubmitted. Example
    Note: You'll see that the icon is still displayed for the Incomplete grade, but you can click on the Average and use the  Edit Grades button to change the grade from the selected Modifier to Automated Calculation. You can then input any new grades, if needed. The system will recalculate the average based on the new information without impacting other students .

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