Add State Positions

State positions are used to compare wages to state scales for reporting to state entities.

  1. Select Finance from the Module pull-down list on the top of the screen.

  2. Select State Positions located under Pay Schedules from the Payroll menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click Add State Position, and the New State Position window opens.

  4. Complete the fields as described. All fields are required.

  5. Click Create when you've finished entering information. The record is saved, and the Pay Scales tab is visible.

  6. Click on the Pay Scales tab, and that window opens displaying any existing steps.

  7. Click Update Scale, and the Local Pay Scale window opens.

  8. Enter the Effective Date.

  9. Click Add Step, and the Rate field becomes visible.

  10. Enter the Rate for step 0. These are treated as Annual steps, Example.

  11. Click Add Step, and enter the Rate for the next step.

  12. Click Save. The State Position is saved, and you're returned to the Pay Scales tab displaying the number of steps and the highest rate. Sample State Position

  13. Repeat steps to enter more state positions.


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