Background Check Codes

Use the Background Checks window to designate the types of background checks used by the district.

Background checks are entered in the employee record in HR Info > Background Checks.

Add background check codes

  1. Select Finance from the Module pull-down list on the top of the screen.

  2. Select Support Codes, then Background Chks from the HR menu, and that window opens.

  3. Click Add New Code, and the New Background Check window opens.

  4. Complete the fields as described. Both are required.

  5. Click Create when you've finished entering information. The record is saved, and the state equivalent, list description, effective & expiration date fields are visible.

  6. Click Edit Identifier, and the Identifier window opens.

  7. If applicable, select the State Equivalent from the pull-down list.

  8. Change the Effective Date to a date in the past like 1/1/1900.

  9. Click Save, and you're returned to the Edit window.

  10. Click Return to List.

  11. Repeat steps 3 - 10, if needed to add more background check codes.


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